Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Benjamin aka Benedict Singleton returns to Pseudo Occult Media

Pseudo Occult Media ( is a blog written by Benedict, aka Benjamin Singleton, all about which celebrities have been abused as children. Benedict solicits donations for detailed speculation about said abuse, such as his claim that a certain underage celebrity was shocked by a cattle prod by her sexually abusive father. He also joked about how another famous celebrity's father may have given her lip injections as part of the abuse. Neither of these claims were backed by any evidence whatsoever. Here's a direct quote from the blog, describing photos of prepubescent girls, one of whom was nine at the time the photos were taken, “****** and ***** with their puppies, note their matching cherries dresses (cherry = loss of virginity/breaking of hymen, discussed in previous posts)...***** and ******'s recent showing at *********'s (below) 19th birthday in obviously inappropriate clothing (all just innocent "dress ups" of course ;p) caused some mild controversy on the internet for obvious reasons...Another random one with them in the bath (again I feel this all points to their blatant pedophilic mindset, as if ******* wasn't young enough!).”

Doesn't this seem like an invasion of privacy? Even if the claims are true, what celebrity is going to appreciate random bloggers speculating in graphic detail about their abuse histories? Probably not very many. Benedict says it's ok because mind-controlled celebrities have been programmed as sex slave prostitutes by the CIA and the Freemasons. This is called Monarch programming and it involves satanic cults. At least one person, fashion designer Alexander McQueen, committed suicide after it was heavily suggested that he abused his models on pseudoccultmedia. Benedict goes by the pseudonym Benjamin and has posted a photo of a kid who looks to be about 19, claiming it to be himself. Here's what he really looks like. Check out his Facebook and Twitter pages to find references to multiple personality disorder and satanic Disney. He and a colleague have plans to start up a combination cult and corporation based on the Freemasons. It's definitely the same guy. More evidence follows at the end of the page.


Benedict claims to be very concerned about how rape is being glamorized in the media. He makes sure everyone knows how much rape is glamorized in the media by posting literally hundreds of photos with subject matter like girls chained to beds as well as paparazzi sex photos that celebrities didn't even agree to have taken. Here's another direct quote about a 16-year-old celebrity, “*******'s latest photos were her in a inky purple/white/silver top sans bra. Before this was the standard ritual humiliation all the Media Monarchs go through...don't think an uncensored version exists on the net... Some good ol' fashioned blatant Monarch imagery now to finish; with her green bicycle wheels + fairy + ELECTRA (electroshock/mythology; bike company) + flowers...Electra Complex (i.e. this make of bike is hinting at ***** ******'s relationship with his daughter?)”. For those who aren't familiar with Freud, that means he's accusing the guy of molesting his daughter. No evidence needed, apparently. Here's another quote about the same girl, "The recent controversy shows ****** doing what she does best, apparently giving ****** ******* (producer/director/choreographer) a lapdance and straddling a chair, like the stripper/sex-slave she is.....There is also the small matter of the blowjob leaked photo, which I don't think was actually proven fake (see comments on the linked article; uncensored photo here". But surely Benedict just wants to help all the poor mind-controlled sex slaves by exposing their handlers to the world. Uh, right.


  What you see above is a screen shot of Benedict liking a Facebook comment that expresses appreciation for a court decision stating that it's legal to shoot a prostitute who won't have sex with a client in Texas due to property crime laws. I'll bet the parents of the woman who was killed would be thrilled to know that random internet strangers find their daughter's death to be so amusing. Does it seem like Benedict's angry about something? Could it be that his obsession with the dehumanization and childhood sexual abuse of celebrities represents a way to get back at all the females who've rejected him throughout life? My magic 8 ball says chances are close to 100%. Now he's trying to get paid for posting his celebrity rape revenge fantasies all over the net. This guy has attended several expensive colleges, has a comfortable job in the service design industry and enough money to be flying all around the U.S. and Europe. If you want to donate to an organization that's actually helping people heal from issues of cult abuse, then consider donating to Survivorship instead of to this clown. Any money contributed to their organization goes directly to survivors of multi-perpetrator abuse, who are the people most in need of support in this situation.

edit: Because someone from the David Icke forum cast doubt upon the fact that Benedict and “Benjamin” are the same person, included below is a screen shot of a tweet posted by the Department of No, a design studio co-founded by Benedict Singleton. The tweet describes Mickey Mouse as involved with “sex things” and "violent things”, also referring to him as a “satanic totem”. Wikipedia describes a totem as “a being, object, or symbol”. "Benjamin" is preoccupied by Disney stars being victims of Monarch programming (and often victims of Satanic cults) who advertise this fact through the use of satanic symbolism in clothing and set designs. Benedict referred to a Disney figure as a satanic symbol. There is also the detail of both Benedict and “Benjamin” having complained about the difficulties of beginning the initial phases of PhD work around the time period of Spring 2010. In case that's not enough, Benedict complained again, in an August 29 twitter post, that Miley Cyrus' VMA performance wasn't sexy enough, and his twitter follower compared the performance to a Disney lap dance. “Benjamin” appears to have had quite the fixation on Miley, especially when she was around 15-16 years old, even posing with an arm around a wax statue of her in “his” photo that was posted to Red Ice Creations. Benedict's twitter feed contained a joke from another twitter follower about MPD, which he responded to with a tweet that said “Silence, Vickytnz.” The original joke about multiple personality disorder has since been removed. And last but not least, in his essay, Anthropocene Nights, Benedict refers to a project he started with a colleague that is modeled off of the Freemasons. “Benjamin” has written ad nauseum about the Freemasons, who he says are involved with Monarch mind control as programmers. What is the likelihood that two separate people will both be fixated on the Freemasons, write about Disney's satanic symbolism and also start a PhD during the same time frame? Benedict was responding to a tweet about Miley's VMA performance when he stated “And WTF is with the tongue? Jesus fucking Christ, it's not sexy, it's like a symptom of a serious neurological condition.” Let's contrast that with “Benjamin's” statement from a May 2010 pseudoccultmedia post, “Miley's painful looking movie 'The Last Song' (from the author of 'The Notebook'... kill me now, I am not sitting through this!) has Miley's daddy played by Greg Kinnear (whose father worked for the government, has been in some pertinent movies) in an interesting looking T-Shirt, wink wink from her handlers ;)?” Sounds a bit similar, doesn't it? And what's up with the winking smiley face? If “Benjamin” really believes these celebrities have been tortured and abused then what's up with all the winking and smiling? And once again, here's one more tweet about the Illuminati on Benedict's twitter feed, just for good measure. Also consider the following quote from Benedict's essay, Anthropocene Nights, "ARK-INC (2006 - present), an ongoing collaboration between the author and Jon Ardern, imagines an organisation combining features of a corporation, a grassroots social movement and a cult. It fashions itself after communities that have proven sustainable under huge duress (from the Freemasons to the French Resistance to Al Qaida), offering its fee-paying members the training and equipment they will need to not only survive but prosper in conditions of generalised social and environmental collapse."

For anyone who reads Pseudoccultmedia, Vigilant Citizen or the like, would you appreciate if you or a loved one was abused by a family member and random strangers joked about the details of that abuse on the internet? No? Then why is it ok when people do the same to celebrities? If you're actually concerned about it, why not volunteer at a domestic violence shelter or rape crisis hotline? A lot of those places are seriously under-funded and under-staffed, so you might just be a lot more helpful there than you would be at home, hunting for pentragrams in fashion magazines. As for Monarch programming, most people stressing out about occult symbols in the media don't have personal experience with it. Time spent looking into the research of people like Fritz Springmeier, Kathleen Sullivan, or others who have first hand experience with the project is ultimately going to be a lot more revealing.